Why, hello there!
Long time, no see!
How have you been? Good? Bad? So-so? Well, I've been great! It's a fresh new year and new classes to go along with it!
There's just one thing that I both enjoy and despise about all of the changes the new year has to offer; that is rackets.
There's just one thing that I both enjoy and despise about all of the changes the new year has to offer; that is rackets.
For those of you who don't know, rackets is a gym class where you play all sports that require you play them with rackets.
I love the class soooooooo much.
Currently we are playing Badminton, and let's just say I'm rocking it!.....
0-for-6 rocking it, that is...
I love the class soooooooo much.
Currently we are playing Badminton, and let's just say I'm rocking it!.....
0-for-6 rocking it, that is...
It's not even that hard of a game; but somehow I fail every time...
The judging looks...
That's not even the worst part! On Fridays, we play with the other gym classes.
We don't play "racket required" games, but games like black diamond (I think that's the name) which goes like this:
Two games are being played at the same time, but they interchange with each other.
You kick the ball, pray that no one on the outfield catches it, and run to the bases.
While running to these bases, don't get hit by the ball, or else you're out.
Once five outs have been made between the two games, the outfielders trade with the kickers.
Writing it down made the game's rules sound very easy, but when the teacher was explaining it to the class... I was just kind of...
After she explained the game, she said, "Okay, Becky you're on the outfield."
So, I just followed the other "outfielders" and stood there. When the ball was kicked, it came my way, so I caught it.
I just got the kicker out
Woohoo to me, right?
Like an idiot, after I caught the ball, I just stood there in shock; letting runner after runner pass me by, going straight to home plate (I was right next to home plate)...
My teammates were cursing at me to throw the ball at the runners and get them out, but nope; I just stood there... for some reason more confused than ever...
Everything about sports confuses me. It doesn't matter how simple the game is, I will be confused.
So yeah. That's all I have for this update. I wish I could make up my stupidity, but sadly, this is me.
I hope your day has been good/will be good, and if you ever feel like you suck at a sport majorly, just think you could be like me.
Until next time.
You Suck.
ReplyDeleteBut Love you still :)